Friday, April 17, 2009


We are currently in the final days of the first term. Learners are taking their end-of-term exams, which was an INTERESTING experience the first time around. It feels great to have one term conquered; I feel much more prepared for the next two. The 29th is the teachers’ last day; from there I will spend a few days with other volunteers at one of their sites, then on to a week of camping. We’ll be at Chobe National Park in Botswana for a few days, and then Victoria Falls, which we have timed to coincide with the full moon because it creates a rainbow over the falls!

I have been learning some more phrases in Oshindonga; the kids LOVE teaching it to me and even created a little test! It’s not easy though, let me tell you, especially because I am not learning it as you’d typically learn a language, like subject/verb agreement and verb tenses and so on; I’m learning to say phrases. AND there are so many languages in this country! I go a few hours away and they speak a different language!

Oshili nawa! (Have a good day!)


At April 21, 2009 at 3:28 PM , Anonymous Mom said...

It sounds like you are doing a great job. I know that you are doing your best for the learners. I hope some of the teachers see how well your ideas work. Perhaps you can teach them a few things and everyone will grow.

At June 9, 2009 at 6:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Lindsey, you are an inspiration to all teachers. We need more teachers like you! Keep up the great work!!! Thanks for sharing your beatiful pictures, interesting exploits, and everyday information for all to enjoy.

From a friend of Uncle Bob


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